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Neizbezhnost disbands, debut full length to become a collector's item

Sad news......Neizbezhnost has disbanded and has stopped working on their follow-up album to their debut CD "Would It Be Reasonable" on Metal For A Dark World Records. "Would It Be Reasonable.." received great reviews from the likes of DOA Magazine,, HM Magazine and several other online and print media. The lowest score it received was and 8 out of 10! The CD was a collectors edition release, with English lyrics, tons of photos all wrapped up in a 16 page booklet. The music was heavy, symphonic blackened metal that was a sonic assault to both the head and the heart, with lyrical content ranging from political issues of today along with other issues such as stop doing evil and do good to others, respect, encouragement, and hope! Not your typical black metal lyrical content. You can listen to some of the songs in the widget here, and purchase from iTunes by using the link. If you'd prefer to purchase the CD, very few copies are left. Head to to purchase the CD at a great price. Better hurry however, as remaining copies are moving QUICK, and there are only about 20 copies left!! Neizbezhnost will always be remembered for their musical talent and the impact they left on the scene, especially in Europe and their home country of the Ukraine!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Interview with Anatoly from Last Battle as well as 3 other projects!

Here is an exclusive interview with Anatoly, the lead singer of the bands Last Battle, Henoticon, and Destroyer of Lie.   

To get their CD-4pk special, which is 4 CD's (download only) for $18.00, head over to Starve The Flesh.  You can also visit Last Battle on FaceBook:


Interview Questions for Anatoly Bljashuk - Lead Singer of the bands Last Battle, Henoticon and Destroyer of Lie

Metal For A Dark World (MFADW):  Hello Anatoly, how are things going in the Ukraine?

Anatoly: Still breathing :D

MFADW:  Where in the Ukraine are you from?

Anatoly:  I live in suburbs of Kiev.

MFADW:  What is the music scene like in the Ukraine?  What is the heavy metal scene like?

Anatoly:  Be honest – it's not my interests… one thing I know – heavy music scene in Ukraine is very weak. IMHO, it doesn't exist at all. Exists some bands, but all of them has same line-up.

MFADW:  It's amazing as you are in three different bands, at least the last time I counted.  It looks like you started with Last Battle, then started Henoticon and Destroyer of Lie.  How did all of those different projects get their start and why did you get involved with all of them?

Anatoly:  Well, not quite exactly, we haven't three projects, but four :), you forgot about PLEROPHORIA, what will be able for purchase somewhere in the middle of July. We'd started by Last Battle. I asked myself one day, what my life could be, if it was under influence of Christian bands, not satanic? What if my authorities were Christians and not just nominal people or grumbling oldies, but people, who listens and play music  what my heart desires, so maybe my life would run different way and I could avoid so many bitter moments, and I start to pray and beg God for rising such people and bands like ours. Besides music is one of the good ways to spread Gospel amongst the people and God see, what I live by that, so God use me in that way. That's the origin of all. I had tons of material, it's different by structure and style, what gave birth to our other projects. We thought to make few CDs per year by one sign, but next we thought, what it won't be cool.

MFADW:  Who are the members of Last Battle, what style of music do you play, and who all is in the band?   Do you write the lyrics?  What does the band name mean?

Anatoly:  Me and my friend and guitarist Max Rianski, also know for his one-man band Dying Blaze. Max makes all guitar and bass parts. 1st album 'Last Battle' was 'atmospheric black/doom', second 'melodic black'. Name 'Last Battle' speaks about Armageddon battle and symbolizes returning of our Lord Jesus Christ.

MFADW:  Who are the members of Henoticon, what is the style of music, and who is in the band?   What does Henoticon mean?

Anatoly:  Same line-up. Genre is 'pagan black metal'. 'Henoticon' means union between two sides, our meaning is union between God and man.

MFADW:  Who are the members of Destroyer of Lie, what style of music, and who is in that band?   Is there a meaning behind the name of the band? Again, do you write all of the lyrics?

Anatoly:  Line-up same :D . Genre is 'atmospheric melodic black/folk/Viking metal'. All lyrics and music is mine, well, not mine, but God's Grace's. Meaning of name is what Jesus brings not just salvation, but true understanding of God. So we destroy lies as Jesus did.

MFADW:  Are there any differences in musical style between the 3 bands?  Overall, what is your favorite style of music and metal?

Anatoly:  Sure they're different :) . Difference is in sound and style. By words I can't explain then…, you should listen to it. My favorite genre is BLACK METAL in all variations. Next favorite genre is metal without suffix 'CORE'. Pop go to hell!

MFADW:  2010 must have been a busy year for you recording and releasing 3 albums, 1 by each band.   How did you manage to do it?

Anatoly:  We did it with pleasure and it won't burden for us. We enjoy this, God do rest.

MFADW:  What are your musical influences?  What other bands do you like?  

Anatoly:  If I start to list my favorite bands, your blog won't support such data. Main bands are: Holy Blood, EVROKLIDON, Crimson Moonlight, Antestor, Parakletos and other honorable bands :D

MFADW:  So you write all of the lyrics, do you also write the music?  Do you also play any instruments?

Anatoly:  I would like to say, what I write all music and lyrics, but if I do this I'll lie. I'm just a tool in hands of real Creator and I have deeply convinced, what everything through me is made by God, so all glory to Him. I was bass player, but my drug addiction damaged my radial nerve, so I can write music only. Mean score on the notes.

MFADW:  What type of gear do you use when in the recording studio?    Were all of the albums recorded in typical recording studios, or were any of them recorded in a home studio?  If so, what type of gear is used in the home studio setting?

Anatoly Max recording all guitar parts at studio completely by himself. Keys and drums I sampling at my notebook, then adding vocal, then I mastering all stuff. Something like that. But new albums will be produced at studio equipment by Max. He's my 'Jack of all trades'.

MFADW:  Do you play live with any of the bands?  

Anatoly We had just one live show and, even with our great desire, won't happen again. First of all we haven't people for this. It's very hard to find true Christians, who wish to play black metal. Second of all we're live in different cities and see each other face to face just couple times during 3 years of cooperation .So no more live shows I think. But if God will – we won't resist.

MFADW:  Have you toured outside of the Ukraine?

Anatoly Nope.

MFADW:  Any plans to come to the USA?  It would be cool to see you live!   How about a live DVD?

Anatoly Well, I won't mind to visit USA. And if God give us strong line-up, we'll visit USA and other countries, where metal love and honor :). Then DVD appears. By the way, our live show you can load from Internet.

MFADW:  I was able to purchase all four albums:  THE LAST BATTLE - Through The Thorns Up To the Stars (200x), THE LAST BATTLE - The Way Home (2010), DESTROYER OF LIE - 2010 Remastered Self Titled and HENOTICAN - 2010 Self Titled, online at  It's called The 'Tolik Bljashuk' special and it's all albums digital download with lyrics for only $18.00 USD.  Is that special still going on?  That is a great deal for all 4 albums!   I highly recommend to the readers to go and buy this special bundle now, as it is definitely worth the price of 1 cd. 
Did you release them on CD as well, or is it strictly "digital download" for now?

Anatoly Well, if some label will make us an offer we can't refuse – then world will see our CDs. Now we work with mp3 only. Besides I can put my testimony and other material in folder with songs, this will be difficult with CDs. I want to share my story, where people can see His love, so music is just add-on, no more. And I can share my music for free via Internet. As you can see, with CD I won't be able to do this.

MFADW:  Can you tell us about the video by Henoticon titled "The Passion of the Christ"?   It's a great video, very epic!  Can you tell us more about the woman crying in the song and the meaning of the song?

Anatoly Meaning of the song will be clear, when you'll read lyrics :), and if you'll see video with lyrics – everyone will understand meaning :) . By two words – my video is something like Mel's 'Passions of Christ'. I mean price of salvation. Crying woman means crying woman. I think all women crying like that. This weep could create an atmosphere of spiritual feelings those people, who loved Jesus.

Video - "The Passion of the Christ" by Henoticon

MFADW:  I plan to play at least 1 song by each band on the Metal For A Dark World podcast Episode 2, any personal favorite songs I should play?  

Anatoly I recommend you listen to 'Last Battle - The way homе' first, next 'Destroyer of lie - Destroyer of lie', next 'Henoticon -  The ancient fear', and final CD better be 'Last Battle - Through the thorns up to the stars'.

MFADW:  Any plans to release on cd or possibly even on vinyl (I love vinyl!)?

Anatoly I said about CD earlier :D.

MFADW:  So, are you working on new material?  If so, for which band(s)?

Anatoly 3rd 'Last Battle' almost done, now we start to record 2nd 'Destroyer of lie'.

MFADW:  Here is a different kind of question for a change of pace.  You play Christian extreme metal, correct?  Why play for Jesus Christ rather than the devil/satan like most bands do?   How did you come to be a Christian?

Anatoly We sing about Jesus, not Satan, cause we're Christians, and like Bible said «for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh» (Matthew 12:34). How I became Christian is here in topic «It is important» 

MFADW:  Do you have a website that readers can check out your music, such as MySpace or FaceBook?   I noticed that you had a free sampler download somewhere, possibly on under the download section?  Also, how can our readers contact you?

Anatoly Our site is ,my contacts aren't secret :) - mail or Facebook.

MFADW:  Is there anything else or any futher comments that you would like to share with our readers?

Anatoly Serve God, preach Gospel, while you can…don't waste your time in vain. Life's too short to spend it on yourself, give in to God and you won't be regret about that.

MFADW:  Thank you for the interview, I appreciate your time!   Keep us posted on any new releases and let us know if you get to tour and record a live DVD!  We hope to have you back in the near future!  God Bless!

Anatoly: Thanks for your interest and let God bless you and your ministry.

MFADW:  Bless you and your ministry Anatoly!

Keep It METAL \m/ !!!!

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